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July 29, 2024

On July 29, 2024, our President, Quinn Burch and vice president Christian Gonzalez attended a formal reception at the Executive Mansion to celebrate Disability Pride and the anniversary of the signing of the aDA into law. Not much networking was done at this event but it was a cool experience to be had.

Below are the photos.

July 11, 2024

On July 11, 2024, our president, Quinn Burch and vice president Christian Gonzalez went to Visitors Day at the Deafblind Retreat of New England in Connecticut with the support of their friend Lena. They stated at the DBCA table networking and talking to various people from within the community while handing out business cards.

Below are the photos.

Saturday, June 1, 2024

On Saturday, June 1, 2024, Our President, Quinn Burch and Vice President Christian Gonzalez along with two tactile interpreters who also acted as co-navigators and drivers attended a National Deafblind Awareness Day In Enfield Connecticut. This event was hosted by Deafblind Support and Access Network (BDSAN). Quinn and Chris used this event to meet and network with many new people, one of which was the President and CEO of DBSAN Jesse Stanley.  We look forward to many more days like this to come! Below are some pictures from the day. It was a nice sunny day at a forested park with a cool breeze blowing.